WEBINAR - Public Speaking Mastery Masterclass

This LIVE Online Masterclass Includes:

  1. 2 Hours ‘Masterclass’ on the ‘HOW’ of Public Speaking
  2. 45 Minutes of Q&A to answer your questions
  3. FREE eBook ‘From Boring to Brilliant’ My 50 steps to becoming a Champion Public Speaker

What You'll Learn-

  1. Taming the Tiger: Understanding Your Fear
  2. From Panic to Power: Building Confidence
  3. Practice Makes Progress: Strategies for Improvement
  4. Advanced Speech Techniques and Structures

If you select the 'One-Time Offer', you will get:

1. List of 500 Idioms and Phrases | C2 Proficient

2. 500 Contemporary Corporate words list for savvy speaking

3. In-depth analysis of Charlie Chaplin’s Speech in the Great Dictator 

4. Express yourself better using your voice to persuade

5. 1000+ Phrasal Verbs List to colour your speech

AND the Webinar - Public Speaking Mastery is included FREE of COST.

It's a one-of-a-kind course!

Terms & Conditions: Payment made for any kind of Masterclass, Webinar, or Special Session LIVE or Recorded/Taped is non-refundable. You agree to share information entered on this page with David Linus Learning & Development (owner of this page) and Instamojo, adhering to applicable laws.

David Linus

David Linus Learning & Development (DLLD) is a training institute specializing in public speaking and communication skills. For over 10 years, they've helped individuals from academia and various industries become confident and effective communicators. Their programs cater to all levels, from new hires to senior executives, and cover a wide range of sectors. DLLD equips you not only to speak fluently and accurately in English but to develop mastery over the language and become a true authority.

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